Tag: Music Education

Why ‘Music Education’ is more than Learning how to play

Why ‘Music Education’ is more than Learning how to play

On the off chance that people were lucky enough to have music training in school, how were those classes? Did they get an instrument—say, a recorder or violin, and figure out how to play the scale and straightforward songs? Did they tune in to the works of art and find out about the historical backdrop of music? Artists and music teachers the same state that learning music is far beyond simply playing an instrument, or finding out about your preferred specialists. It's a window into different orders—and fundamental abilities—and shows they how to learn and get along. That is the thing that Lorrie Murray, official executive of the Bay Area Music Project, disclosed to EdSurge prior this fall. What's more, it's a feeling reverberated by a stone legend, Steven van Zandt, who the vast ...